The curriculum will cover sculptural techniques in many different mediums including casting, additive, reductive, carving and assemblage. This class introduces fundamental issues in sculpture such as site, context, process, and aesthetics of the object.  During the semester Sculpture I will explore issues of interpretation and audience interaction.

As a significant component to this class introductions to a variety of materials and techniques both traditional (wood, clay, plaster) as well as non-traditional (found objects) will be emphasized.

This is a studio-oriented class with a strong physical basis. This class will also examine issues related to sculpture via readings, artist lectures, images, videos, and other material.


Students will:

  • Acquire the ability to work in a variety of sculptural media.

  • Cultivate skills, craftsmanship and techniques necessary for personal expression in sculptural form.

  • Develop and exercise critical analysis and aesthetic judgment skills in making personal work and by analyzing heritage and contemporary sculptural work.


Enrichment will be provided through guest artists, lecturers and trips to galleries or museums.


Students do not receive textbooks in class but there is a great deal of information students will compile during each semester.  Students are expected to keep an archive of this material, as it will become their textbook for the semester.  Some of this material will be provided and other resource materials will be compiled through student research.


Students are graded not only on their “talent”, but also on the effort they put into their work and their grasping of the concept(s) being taught. How constructively students use their class time and how carefully they execute assigned class work and homework is the major criteria for grading. However, self-motivation and the desire for artistic growth are equally important. Respect for their workplace and others is also emphasized. Rubrics and student check sheets outlining the requirements for a successful project are reviewed for each major assignment before final grading.  There is a grace period of one week where work may be handed in late without penalty; afterwards work is downgraded two points for each day that it is late.  For homework, students are required to keep a journal that is turned in once a month for evaluation.  There is no grace period for journals and they will be downgraded two points each day they are late.

Students are assessed on both a technical understanding of the medium and aesthetic expression through their jewelry. When they hand in their work, they will include a rubric on which they will assess their work using the following criteria:

1.    Idea Development- How well the students interpret the goals of the project.

2.    Craftsmanship- How effectively students use the tools and materials.

3.    Organization- How well students use the Elements and Principles of Design.

  • Class work accounts for 80% of the grade

  • Class participation and responsibility account for 10% of the grade

  • Final Exam accounts for 10% of the grade


  • Be on time and enter the room ready to participate. You will receive two warnings for lateness.  After that disciplinary actions will take place.

  • Be respectful of your classmates, yourself and the room.  Your demeanor and behavior sets the tone in the classroom so it is necessary to be prompt and attentive.

  • Be prepared to participate in class discussions.  Class discussions may take place at the beginning, middle or end of class. If you are working on a project you should pause from your work and give your full attention to the discussion. 

  • Disruptive students and unacceptable behavior will simply not be tolerated.  The first incident will be followed by a conversation between the teacher and student as well as a telephone conversation with parent or guardian. If the behavior persists, a disciplinary referral will be issued.

  • No cell phones or other electronic devices.


The instructor is available each day for extra help after school until 3:00 PM in room 0019 and by appointment during mutually convenient times. Parents can contact the instructor by phone (914) 793-6130 or email: